Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Is it really ADHD or a lack of environmental interaction?

"By bolstering children's attention resources, green spaces may enable children to think more clearly and cope more effectively with life stress"

I would have to definitely agree this statement that was made by Nancy Wells, but yet quoted by Louv. It makes sense as to why those that have been diagnosed with ADHD tend to be more concentrated after encountering outdoor environments. As a child growing up, I got bored very easily, because I would be done with my work before everyone else, so my attention span would be very shortened. But the real question is are children really diagnosed with ADHD or very gifted individuals? There is a difference, which I will give some examples from doing a bit research. Green spaces and outdoor environments enable children to think more clearly because children are not confined in a small area. To my knowledge children being confined in a single place can really change their behavior, because they feel they don't have a sense of freedom. Giving children access to outdoors during school or even at home, could be a benefit to their psyche and health to their physical bodies.
Here are some example of the difference between children diagnose with ADHD and children or gifted.  (
  • Poor attention and daydreaming when bored
  • Low tolerance for persistence on tasks that seem irrelevant
  • Begin many projects, see few to completion
  • Development of judgment lags behind intellectual growth
  • Intensity may lead to power struggles with authorities
  • High activity level; may need less sleep
  • Difficulty restraining desire to talk; may be disruptive

  • Vs. ADHD
  • Poorly sustained attention
  • Diminished persistence on tasks not having immediate consequences
  • Often shift from one uncompleted activity to another

  • Doing this research and finding the research, sometimes, children can be misdiagnosed. But I believe the cure to this behavior can be nature and outdoors!
    Children interacting with nature

    "In era-centric education reform and growing fear of liability, many districts considered recess a  waste of potential academic to or too risky."

    As Louv uses this statement based on his research, I would have to disagree with the districts removing recess from schools because they believe it's a waste of potential academic time and/or too risky. I believe in school, recess is a way to decompress after learning after a long period of time. Why confine students to a seat for 8 hours, and the only time of decompressing is during a 30 minute lunch break, which I believe is not enough time for a young person to digest all that they have learned. Recess for many may be the only source of exercise or sunlight they receive throughout their days, because of parents not being active within their child's life. So my question is why take away their only source of sunlight, and exercise and being interactive with nature, in the fear of liability and taking away from their academic time, which I believe they receive enough of on a daily basis. Recess is their opportunity to decompress and build their social atmosphere with peers they regularly don't see due to being confined in one space for 8 hours. I would disagree wholeheartedly with this statement.
    Disney Channels series Recess
    "Some of the uniformed public tends to believe the poor parenting and other social factors produce the immature behavior associated with ADHD..."

    I cant really grasp an understanding of this statement, because their could be a number of reasons why ADHD can become prevalent in ones life. Yes bad parenting can be associated with it, but bad attention from teachers and also learned behavior of what they see from other children, also the environment they were not able to choose for themselves can play a major role in the diagnoses of ADHD!
    The mind of an individual with ADHD.

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