Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Plan B 4.0 Chapter 2

"As land and water become scarce, competition for these vital resources intensifies within societies, particularly between the wealthy and those who are poor and dispossessed."

This quote is what we witness today within society. There are individuals who hold power in high places, and these countries are up against those who are in power, for food and water resources. Those who are poor and without possession have to fight and compete for what they have grown within the land because those with wealth are coming and taking what is rightfully theirs and selling it as a source of income, not giving the opportunity for these farmers to sell their own crops. Many populations are dying out because of the competition for these vital resources. Individuals are being put out of their land and homes and are not given the opportunity to fight! Just as brown has said "the competition for land is amplified by religious differences and combined with large numbers of frustrated men." Churches have turned against churches and neighbors against neighbor, just as a mean of survival for family and self! There is social tension because of the competitions for these vital resources have increased over the years within many countries, but the people in power will take what they need and go while the poor and dispossessed fend for themselves! Shows us what the wealthy end up doing to those that are poor

"The price of grain is now ties to the price of oil. Historically the food and energy economics were separate, but now with the massive U.S. capacity to convert grain into ethanol, that is changing. In this new situation, when the price of oil climbs, the world price of grain moves up toward its oil-equivalent value."

Its like we have to choose which one we need to have in order to survive for the week. You can either have grain for food, or oil for transportation, and this bothers me! Why, because you have those who can't afford both of these items, and when you begin to increase them both because of the equal value they possess, its difficult. now life because based on, we survive on grain one week, and the next week oil. When we continue to increase these food prices, populations begin to decrease, and that is a sad reality for some. As Brown has asked, "Do we use the grain for fuel or to feed the people?" That is a hard question that we must ask because countries are dying out rapidly year after year because of the lack of nourishment and food! People are taking away the only food security they have! Grain and Oil seeds

"Today, bodies washing ashore in Italy, Spain, and Turkey are daily occurrence, the result of desperate people"

This is the truth as to what is going on in today's time! We have people who are desperately trying to make a living for their families, and even for themselves. Just as Brown states in this Chapter that individuals are searching to make a living by doing dangerous things such as boarding on a moving vessels like trains that goes North into the states. Some make it , some don't which is the sad part about it! People risk their lives daily just to make it into the Unites States to find a source of income! But my question is, why does it have to be that way? If they were not in competition with those who are in power and have wealth they wouldn't have to risk their lives, and end up not returning back to their families who need the support and resources! pushing and shoving to get to food that is being handed out!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Plan B

"We are entering into a new food era, one marked by high food prices, rapidly growing numbers of hungry people and an intensifying competition for land and water resources that has now crossed national boundaries as food-importing countries try to buy or lease vast tracts of land in other countries."

I agree with this statement made within the preface because, it is exactly what is going on within our society today. We have food prices that are sky rocketing and many people who live in poverty are going hungry every single day because these prices have become non affordable to the society. Even within our fast food businesses, the prices have been raised, and when the prices were at a reasonable price, individuals didn't go hungry. Land has also been a competition, because when one finds good land and soil, it means that there is also great wealth and great resources among the land. Here comes the subject about people who are in power! Those that are in power get to determine these food prices being elevated and the number of people going hungry. They get to choose what type of land they want in various countries, and again their wealth continues to increase while many around are suffering.

"Plan B. Its goal is to move the world from the current decline and collapse path onto the new path where food security can be restored and civilization can be sustained."

The world is at its worse state in some parts of it and I believe that Plan B is one way to really revive many countries back to its original state or at least close to it. Plan B being a path to bring food security for many countries that deal with health issues, and have a lack of education is a good start. Many countries death rate is due to the lack of food security, education on health, and really just a lack of education. I feel like Plan B has a sense of urgency to help those who are in need, and to provide education in food security for those who cant find a source of income and their way to maintain a healthy life. Just as the title of the book says Plan B is way to mobilize to save civilization and that is what is being done. But what I feel is there will always be an obstacle that is going to hinder the Plan B from progressing forward, but I believe that this Plan B can prosper in many ways!

"Eradicating poverty is a priority goal for three reasons. One, in combination giving women everywhere access to reproductive health care and family planning services it is the key to accelerating the global shift to smaller families"

I would have to definitely agree with this statement. I believe that this is something that should be discussed everywhere within the global regions. Again a lack of education about something means there is a likely hood for misinterpretation to evolve. With Plan B educating women across the nations about reproductive health care is definitely a way to reduce health risk factors and the production of children in harsh conditions. Most of these children are born into families that live in poverty and many mothers cannot provide for their offspring. Providing this education could probably change the global shift to smaller families and shift poverty. This will assist in stabilizing communities and also food security!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Biodiversity: Who's Ruining It?

"Biological diversity and cultural diversity is are intimately related and interdependent"

I would have to definitely agree with this statement because when we understand the definition of biological diversity and cultural diversity we witness the two intertwine. Biological diversity shows us the variations of species, genetics, and ecosystems that are present on the earth, and cultural diversity is the different ethnic groups that are present on the earth. People within these cultural areas, rely on biodiversity as their source of food, medicine. and economy. Within the natural environment it provides a way for different cultural activities to develop, and different languages and belief systems to evolve. Shiva makes a good point that if we were to destroy biodiversity, we also destroy the "livelihoods of the large majority of Third World people who make their living as farmers, fishermen, craftspeople and healers." Because biological diversity and cultural diversity are interdependent it could possibly put people that depend of the environment at risk of falling into poverty if biodiversity were to undergo destruction.

Image of Diversity
"Agricultural biodiversity is the basis of economic life for two-thirds of the world's population---those people who live in rural economies in the Third World."

I come to understand that in most countries, agricultural is really big and it is for many, a source of income for their families. They use the different variety of crops that the environment provides and make food, medicine, and make shelter. I think this is a very creative idea for those living in Third World countries, but the sad part is the production that comes from this, doesn't go to them, but those that are in power will make the decision of the distribution. As Shiva states "the poor depend on the wealth of biological resources and their knowledge and skills related to biodiversity." When biodiversity decreases because of the possibility of industry it puts them back into an impoverished state and they are stripped from healthcare and a source of food. Well the question is what do we do to ensure that doesn't happen in these Third World countries?
Third World Poverty

"The Empty Earth Syndrome"

I just like this whole entire section, because it speaks on one of the potential causes of poverty that is happening today. Shiva describes to her readers two causes why Third World countries that are located in areas that contain biological wealth is consistently being destroyed. And that is because of "The Empty Earth Syndrome." Shiva describes this with two meanings. The first is people see the earth as empty if it is not filled with industrialization. They take what has been preserved and what these Third World countries use as a source of income, and build right on top of it, because they see that it is land that is filled with nothing. They witness no limits, Shiva describes those limits as "limits set by nature and set by other cultures to be respected." Those in power and have great wealth, use the land as an opportunity to produce wealth while, the Third World becomes poorer. The second Shiva describes is mono-culture "the idea that world is one-dimensional and diversity is seen as a disease or a deficiency" it produces a mindset that says biodiversity is not important and that's what produces "The Empty Earth Syndrome."

Biodiversity Threat

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Obligation To Endure

"The most alarming of all man's assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air, earth, rivers, and sea with dangerous and even lethal materials"

I agree that man has been the cause of the contamination and the pollution we see today. We have done irreversible damage to the environment and not only are animals suffering, but us humans are suffering to by inhaling toxins that can be odorless and toxins that are present in our everyday environments which later down the line can cause complications to our health. Contamination can start from just loitering things that don't decompose and letting them sit for years. Contamination and heavy pollution can be found in areas that are heavily industrialized for example Chicago. What will it take for the people who reside upon these environments to really cherish what is around them? The damage has been done already with the environment, but why continue to harm it, to make more buildings and businesses?

"Only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one pieces---man---acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world"

Man has so much power in this place we call earth. If man with power says something should happen, most likely it is going to happen, because of the power that is being exercised at hand. Chemicals that are produced today to kill insect and other creatures, is made by the decision of one who is in power, and they are the ones that are making the environment an irreversible process if going back to it's natural state. The way the environment is lies in the hands of one with power. Global warming and contamination within many bodies of waters is due to the decision of someone that is in power. But the question is what do we do to stop those that are in power from making irreversible decisions about the earth and land we live on?

"It is also an era dominated by industry, in which the right to make dollar at whatever cost is seldom challenged"

Because people within power are money hungry individuals they tend to see that these insect prays and pesticides that, yes can be beneficial to those who are in need of them, but can be very harmful to the environment, but because it is producing a great amount of wealth, the production is still going to take place. But I wonder if there is remnant that is willing to fight those that are in power and say your products is killing the people that care about their environments, can you stop producing these products for our safety and our children's safety!